Like the heart, stomach and brain, your skin is an organ. In fact, it is the largest organ in your body that needs cosmetic treatments to stay healthy. However, people do not pay much attention to the skin, unless there is a problem. But the skin has an important job to do.
Here is the role of the skin and why it needs cosmetic treatments
Here is the role of the skin and why it needs cosmetic treatments
Your skin constantly protects you. Your skin keeps infections out of the body and prevents you from getting sick. When you take care of your skin, you help it do its job. Basically, you help yourself to prevent future problems, such as wrinkles and even skin cancer.
Good skin care also has extraordinary social and mental benefits. You will surely make a good impression in any discussion, if your skin is neat. The mental benefits can be even greater - it allows you to feel good about yourself. Nothing gives you more confidence than knowing that you look good.
Cosmetic skin treatments
Cosmetic skin treatments
There are many types of skin problems, such as cosmetic and health. But there are also many solutions. Some of the most common problems are acne scars, age spots, wrinkles and sagging skin.
The formula for youthful looking skin could be as close as the phone when you’re at work. This is because using the right skin care products can make a big difference in your skin and can help prevent the signs of aging, such as wrinkles.
Chemical peeling
Chemical peeling
Chemical peeling involves the use of an acidic solution to remove dead cells from the outer layers of the skin. The solution often has a mixture of glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, phenol or trichloroacetic acid.
It may take about 15 minutes to apply and you may feel a burning and irritating sensation. Over the next few days, the top layers of your skin will peel off, revealing a newer and smoother skin.
The procedure is non-invasive and visibly improves the appearance of the skin on the face, hands or neck.
Chemical peeling is used in the treatment of various problems such as: black and white spots, hyperpigmentation of the skin, fine wrinkles and scars, skin luminosity.
In case of severe wrinkles or sagging skin, peeling can not do much. Therefore, it is only indicated for fine wrinkles. You should know that not everyone can resort to chemical peels. It is NOT indicated for people who are taking a certain treatment for acne or who have received such treatment in the last 6 months.
People who have dark skin or a history of skin rashes or scars are also included in the list of those whose chemical peeling is contraindicated.
If you are not included in these categories and you want to resort to chemical peeling, find out that the procedure is not without consequences.
Like any other cosmetic procedure, peeling has several possible risks
Redness: It is a perfectly normal consequence, because it is part of the healing process. Depending on the form of peeling chosen, healing can take up to several months.
Inflammation or even scarring: It is very rare for chemical peels to cause such problems. However, if they do occur, they are located at the bottom of the face. In this case, your doctor may recommend certain antibiotic treatments.
Skin color changes: These changes occur more often in people with darker skin and may be permanent.
It is recommended to use the chemical peel in a less sunny period, because after the procedure the skin is much more sensitive to light.
Cosmetic treatments: the benefits of peeling
Cosmetic treatments: the benefits of peeling
As you can see, the chemical peel brings many improvements to the face and more and more women choose to opt for this procedure. For the most part, if you have light skin, you are the perfect candidate for this procedure.
However, even people with dark skin can have remarkable results from chemical peels.
To make sure you get the results you want, it is advisable to talk to a dermatologist. That way, you’ll know for sure what kind of solution your problem needs.
In any case, cosmetic treatments are a simple solution to a lot of problems. Your skin becomes brighter, cleaner and copes better with exposure to cosmetics. Chemical peeling is just one of the methods you can use. If you are looking for modern cosmetic treatments that use innovative technologies, Lucicosm Beauty Studio offers them to you. The professionals of our salon in Suceava offer you exact solutions for your problems and tailor-made results.