Skin care in the cold season. What you need to change in your routine

Do you also feel that in autumn and winter the products you used to use for skin care seem to no longer do their job?

You need to restructure your routine and choose one that suits the season. The skin is strongly influenced by the wind, the sun and especially the cold. It’s unfair to give it the same summer treatment, because it needs more protection and hydration.

To avoid the feeling of tight skin, cracked and dehydrated skin or acne problems, in this article we have prepared some steps for you on how to adapt your routine to the season.

Why do you need a different skincare routine in winter?
In winter, the skin secretes less sebum. Sebum is the substance that keeps the skin silky. A lack of it leads to acne and the deepening of wrinkles, in people with predispositions in this sense. Meaning that if you’re prone to acne, not having a proper skin care routine can make your acne worse.

Don’t think that this is a complicated routine or impossible to put into practice. But by changing some small habits that you had until now.

There are a lot of women and men who complain that they have dry skin in winter. You can avoid this if you apply the right products.

What skincare routine to adopt
The steps of the routine remain, most of the time, unchanged. It is up to you if you want to introduce certain acids or certain products with higher concentrations.

Cleansing the face should be done both in the morning and in the evening, with small changes.

In the morning it is important to wash your face and moisturize properly. If you use hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, or other acids suitable for your skin, now is a good time to apply them. Don’t forget sunscreen, which should never be omitted, especially when we’re talking about acids.

The steps for skin care are:
Makeup removal. The first and most important step, removing make-up, cleanses and hydrates the skin. We say it’s the most important because by removing make-up with micellar water, toner or gel (depending on what suits you) you clean the dust or substances from the make-up products. Make-up removal is also done in the morning and in the evening, using specific products.

Application of serum or acids. After cleaning the skin, if you have it in your routine, apply the serum or acids you use. This step is not mandatory, but it is useful if you have skin problems or want to avoid premature aging and fine lines.

Application of moisturizing cream. Application of moisturizing cream. Choose the cream according to the type and needs of your skin. If you don’t know which cream suits you, you can always ask a dermatologist. A cream that is not suitable for your skin can do you more damage. You can cause irritation or acne, so it is better to seek the advice of a specialist.

Applying SPF. The sun’s rays are just as harmful even in winter. In the morning, don’t forget the cream with protection factor.

In winter it is important to have products that moisturize and protect you. As you are more exposed to dry skin, apply cream as often as needed.

If you want to introduce other acids or serums into your routine, ask for the advice of a specialist. Your skin may not get along with retinol, even though it works great for most people.

Useful tips for skin care
Apply these tips to have healthy skin all year round.

Always moisturize the skin. Don’t forget to use SPF.
At night, use a night cream. They are fatter and work throughout the night.
Change the routine depending on the season. Also pay attention to your skin type, because it can vary.
Do not exfoliate more often than necessary.
Wear gloves in winter.
Get a special skin treatment at the salon.
For excellent results, a salon treatment is necessary. You will see results immediately, and your skin will no longer feel dry.

If there are any questions we haven’t answered, we invite you to leave us a private message.

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